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死神 brave soul 攻略(英语翻译When life is a hard game Don’t you blame It’s your chance to Arise your aim Let

时间:2023-04-24 15:18:23 来源 人气:

为您带来最新死神 brave soul 攻略(英语翻译When life is a hard game Don’t you blame It’s your chance to Arise your aim Let:
1、英语翻译When life is a hard game Don’t you blame It’s your chance to Arise your aim Let your spirit be brave Always fight to hold your name No matter

英语翻译When life is a hard game Don’t you blame It’s your chance to Arise your aim Let your spirit be brave Always fight to hold your name No matter how bad or rough You never surrender All the warriors in this world Join the passion of this

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Movie: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II
Good morning everyone. Today I am going to give my presentation on the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II. I suppose many of you have heard of this famous movie franchise, or are quite familiar with, for in my case Harry Potter makes up a very big part of my childhood, and I am tremendously grateful for J.K. Rowling and the movie production crew for finally making this amazing movie that pretty much sums up my past ten years.
The question I am going to probe into today is this: What techniques in cinematography were used in the movie and what differences were there between the original novel and its adaptation?
Being the final installment to this heptalogy, this movie basically puts an end to the fight between the dark force, of course, Lord Voldemort and his troops, and the many wizards and witches in the wizarding world. The Golden Trio, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger are searching for the Horcruxes created by Voldemort, which are actually his soul fragments, so to ultimately defeat him and retain peace in Hogwarts and the wizarding world. The most important members of this award-winning cast would be Daniel Radcliffe, playing the curious, brave Harry Potter, Rupert Grint as the sometimes funny, sometimes courageous Ronald Weasley and our beloved Emma Watson, portraying the self-worthy, intelligent Hermione Granger.
Coming onto the cinematography, compared to the first movie which was relatively more faithful to the original, adapted word for word and dialogue for dialogue, the second movie loses out much of the details. The director David Yates must have aimed for a much more action-packed type of movies, and evidently he inserted many exciting battle scenes that made the movie in overall really entertaining indeed. There were also some heartbreakingly emotional moments surrounding the themes of sacrifice, such as between James, Lily and Harry, protection, or the motherly love of Narcissa Malfoy and Molly Weasley, and of course, the serene theme of death, in the case of one of my favorite professors, Severus Snape. The music and the lightings were very strategically used to create the appropriate atmosphere for every scene in the movie. Whenever the villains step in, there would be dramatic, intense music and when they showed Hogwarts in ruins, there is softer and calmer music. There were also some scenes of silence when you might be expecting soft violin music that allows the audience to think about what has happened so far in the movie. The use of lighting is quite similar. When Voldemort appears, it usually gets darker and dimmer to give off discomfort, and to frighten the audience, but when it comes to Harry’s victory, the scenes immediately shine with brighter lighting. Compared to the first movie, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, there is an obvious advancement in technology which allowed better visual effects, or as they put it, CGI which stands for computer generated imagery, which helps create the detailed, realistic magical elements, such as the moving portraits, staircases, the transparent ghosts, if you remember Nearly Headless Nick, the one-eyed Dementors and even Voldemort’s missing nose! However, though I am not comparing this to Avatar or Transformers, the 3D effects were almost unnoticeable in this movie, so if anything, go watch the 2D version so you won’t get a headache while watching the film.
As I said before, there are many differences between the books and their adaptations. Many scenes were cut short to accommodate shorter screen time. In the book, Fred died from an explosion during the battle, but in the movie, they had only shown his dead body in a stretcher, mourned by the remaining members of the Weasley family. There was Dumbledore’s back story in Harry’s limbo state that was cut short, so I never really got to see what happened with Ariana, which was actually Dumbledore’s greatest mistake. Snape’s interaction and love with Lily Potter was crammed into one minute of the movie and I only got to see some short scenes of it, though it was still a refreshing change to see emotion coming from the normally cold and composed Snape. Most controversial of all, Harry snapped and threw the Elder wand into the abyss, which in the book, he used to fix his Holly and Phoenix wand.
I should say, if you haven’t read the book and you don’t have an object to do comparison on, then you wouldn’t find the lack of some things disturbing as a reader would. Of course the movie as a whole was a great round up to everything, as it is the final film of this long movie series. I would say that although it is not entirely flawless, it was still a fun and enjoyable movie experience, and I would recommend you to have a look just the same. This is the end of my presentation, thank you.
(817 words)


我的本命f(x),其次就是我第二女神团4minute,再次就是我比较喜欢的Crayon Pop,然后就是Kara。我比较在意的喜欢的就是她们了。


You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. 如果你有梦想的话,就要去捍卫它。当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会对你说你也不能。You want something. Go get it! 有了目标就全力以赴。All the bright, precious things fade so fast. And they don't come back.所有的光鲜亮丽都敌不过时间,且一去不复返。The more people you love, the weaker you are. 心若念他人,就有了软肋。If you don't love yourself, when someone else says horrible things to you, part of you is always gonna believe them.当你开始爱自己的时候,就不会在意别人的眼光。We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love… and then we return home.在时光的洪流中,我们皆是过客。此生只求能有所观、有所学、有所长、有所爱。I'm not saying everything will be easy for them, but who has a life where everything is easy?谁能一生顺遂呢?Half the trouble in life is caused by pretending there isn't any.生活中一半的麻烦是由假装没有造成的。Don't cry over spilled milk.覆水难收,不作无益的后悔。


一些电音曲子,国内徐梦圆的China系列China-XChina-PChina-O古色古香,余音绕梁。古典与电子的完美契合。古典乐器演奏出来的电音,竟然如此带感。激情不失雅致,余味悠长。振奋更添咏叹,心神摇曳。还有瑞士的Eluveitie乐团,以精湛成熟的演奏技巧以及变化多端的塞尔特旋律崭露头角其大部分曲子更是节奏鲜明,旋律激昂。IsaraSetlon东方系列曲目往往节奏很强,旋律动听,Foxtail-Grass Studio是东方project同人社团,社团乐曲以治愈系的轻音乐为主雲流れMountain Journey还有a_hisa的曲目Caravanほたる火アルメリアの鳥籠
